Emergency contraception is an effective option for preventing pregnancy, which is based on the implementation of the necessary measures after intimacy. These drugs include those drugs that a woman must take within the first 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. This means that the earlier these activities are carried out, the higher their reliability and effectiveness.
Here are some examples of when using emergency contraceptives is relevant:
• the condom broke or slipped into the vagina;
• there was a displacement of the intrauterine device;
• unplanned intimacy without the use of contraceptives;
• timely uninterrupted sexual intercourse;
• violation of taking combined, as well as oral contraceptives (more than two days off);
• incorrect calculation of the day of ovulation (calendar method of birth control);
• sexual abuse of a woman when there is a risk of pregnancy.
Timely taking a pregnancy pill after an act provides an opportunity to prevent the very fact of conception, which is significantly different from such a method as an abortion. Despite the wide variety of drugs and their availability in almost every pharmacy, we do not recommend prescribing them yourself. To reduce side effects, the development of possible negative consequences, we recommend consulting a gynecologist.