It is very important for future parents to maintain a healthy lifestyle, because an egg and a sperm are already maturing in their body - two cells that form an unborn child.
If one of the spouses is undergoing treatment, taking medications or doing some procedures, be sure to check with your doctor if it is permissible to plan a pregnancy in this menstrual cycle, as this may affect the development of the child. X-rays are also dangerous for the baby.
The expectant mother is advised to avoid unfavorable working conditions and high physical activity. Any stressful situations should also be excluded.
Avoid large crowds of people, carefully follow the rules of hygiene so as not to contract a viral infection.
A varied, balanced diet for the expectant mother should include meat, fish, dairy products, complex carbohydrates, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Do not abuse foods that can cause allergies (citrus fruits, honey, etc.).
It is better to coordinate the intake of multivitamins for pregnant women with a gynecologist, he will help you choose the drug taking into account the characteristics of health and place of residence (in some regions there is not enough iodine, fluorine or other trace elements in the water, and the doctor will help take these factors into account).
Compliance with these simple recommendations will ensure the correct and full development of the fetus from the very first day. Remember that a mother should lead a healthy lifestyle not only in the first weeks of pregnancy, but throughout the entire period of bearing a child in her stomach.