This is a non-surgical abortion. Its action is based on the fact that after taking the drug, the synthesis of progesterone, a hormone that is very important for the development of the fetus, is blocked. This phenomenon leads to the fact that the cervix spontaneously opens and the fetal egg comes out.
However, this method of getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy is possible only up to the 7th week of pregnancy. Although seemingly harmless, medical abortion has side effects. The drugs that are used in this case are hormonal agents that can lead to hormonal failure in the female body.
Medical abortion provokes side effects:
• nausea;
• diarrhea;
• vomit;
• bloody issues;
• headache.
Pill abortion is shown to nulliparous girls who went to the doctor in the early stages of pregnancy, since it is considered to be the safest and the negative consequences after it are much less than after other types.
The effectiveness of this method is 85%, to increase it, many doctors combine two or more drugs. The most commonly used combination is Mifepristone and Cytotec. 10-12 days after the release of the fetal egg, ultrasound control is necessary.
Contraindications for tablet abortion:
• allergic reaction to the components of the product;
• adrenal insufficiency;
• uterine fibroids;
• the presence of a uterine scar;
• anemia;
• blood diseases;
• inflammation of the genitourinary system;
• somatic pathologies in severe form.
Smoking women over 35 years of age are not indicated for medical termination of pregnancy. In addition, mifepristone is not prescribed if:
• ectopic pregnancy;
• conception is not confirmed by laboratory and clinical studies;
• gestational age exceeds 42 days;
• pregnancy occurred immediately after taking contraceptives or against the background of using intrauterine contraceptives.
With great care, medical abortion can be performed on women with pulmonary obstruction, high blood pressure, and heart failure.
Self-administration of drugs intended for tablet abortion is strictly prohibited!