Toxicosis is now having a big impact on your diet. Sometimes you just don’t feel like eating, or after any meal you rush to the toilet. To survive these unpleasant moments and not leave yourself and your growing baby without nutrients, follow these rules:
• eat fractionally, in small portions, 6-7 times a day;
• be sure to have breakfast, perhaps immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed: leave some fruit or cereal next to the bed in the evening;
• do not wear tight clothing and avoid squeezing the abdomen;
• follow the drinking regime;
• do not forget about taking folic acid: it is believed that it reduces the symptoms of toxicosis;
• Avoid fatty, fried and smoked foods that irritate the stomach and cause nausea.
To avoid complications, do not lift more than 3-4 kg, avoid other serious physical exertion - this is a common cause of early miscarriage.