If in the early stages of pregnancy a woman and her gynecologist are given the choice of resorting to a medical method or vacuum aspiration, then for a period of 7-12 or more weeks, as a rule, saline abortion or surgical termination of pregnancy remains.
The first involves the introduction of a special hypertonic sodium chloride solution into the amniotic fluid, causing the death of the fetus. After a couple of days, the doctor provokes a contraction of the uterus, as a result of which the fetal egg is naturally excreted. It should be noted that such a procedure is not considered highly effective and also differs in duration. Therefore, saline is used extremely rarely - if it is impossible to use another, more effective method.
The most common way to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy for a period of 7-8 to 12 weeks remains curettage with a curette. Such an abortion should be carried out only in a hospital, by an experienced doctor, and preferably with the simultaneous use of ultrasound. As a rule, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, less often - mainly at the request of the patient under general anesthesia.
The gynecologist mechanically - using special tools - expands the wall of the uterus, then, using a curette and forceps, scrapes and removes its contents. Risks: the cervix and walls of the uterus often suffer from mechanical impact, which subsequently leads to inflammatory processes, the development of gynecological diseases, including infertility. Moreover, the longer the gestational age, the more likely complications after an abortion.
Abortion for a period of 12 or more weeks is carried out only for medical reasons, and after 22 weeks, surgical intervention during pregnancy is called artificial premature birth or a small caesarean section. During the latter, the patient is dissected the lower segment of the uterus and the fetal egg is removed from it along with the placenta. A similar method is also used if sterilization is expected after an abortion.