Such tests are an alternative to laboratory determination of hCG levels and are carried out at home. It is recommended to carry out the test no earlier than 4 - 5 weeks after coitus, that is, after a delay in menstruation. But it is possible to find out about pregnancy even earlier, even before the expected menstruation, subject to a long (35 days or more) menstrual cycle. The test is based on the detection of hCG in the urine.
Test rules:
• carry out a test with morning urine (morning urine is concentrated, and hence the content of hCG in it is higher);
• do not increase fluid intake if the test needs to be done during the day (urine is diluted and the hormone concentration is reduced);
• before performing the test, carefully study the instructions and act according to it;
• Do not use expired tests.
• 1 - 1.5 months ago there was an abortion, miscarriage or childbirth (hCG is not immediately excreted from the body);
• expired expiration date;
• treatment with hCG-containing drugs (pregnil, horagon);
• trophoblastic disease (hydatidiform mole, chorioncarcinoma).
A false negative result is also possible if:
• the test was performed too early (fertilization has occurred, but implantation has not yet taken place);
• the threat of abortion (the level of hCG in the blood drops);
• violation of test instructions;
• drinking a lot of liquid before the test;
• renal pathology;
• arterial hypertension.
In any case, after a negative result, the procedure should be repeated after a few days.