Methods of artificial termination of pregnancy with the help of medications have been developed. They are used with a gestation period of up to 49 days, or 7 weeks, if counted from the day of the last menstruation. This method is safer than surgical, complications develop in only 3% of cases. It can be:
The best results can be achieved at a period of 3-4 weeks, when the fertilized egg is not yet firmly attached to the uterine wall. Medical abortion has a less traumatic effect, does not create a risk of infection. It is recommended for use in Rh-negative women to avoid immunization with fetal antibodies.
The drugs used have a range of contraindications, so the pharmaceutical method is not used under the following conditions:
• more than 8 weeks of pregnancy;
• ectopic pregnancy;
• acute infections of the genital organs;
• after long-term treatment with corticosteroids or in case of insufficiency of the adrenal cortex;
• severe form of bronchial asthma;
• tendency to thrombosis.
Women who smoke, especially over 35 years of age and with heart disease, have a high risk of blood clotting disorders and the development of thrombosis. Therefore, they use this method of abortion with caution.
Before the procedure, a woman undergoes a standard examination, consults a psychologist. Medical abortion is performed in a gynecologist's office, hospital or private clinic. He does not require hospitalization. But after taking the medicine, it is recommended to observe a doctor for 2 hours.
In the presence of a doctor, the patient drinks 200 mg of mifepristone. This is a hormonal drug that binds to progesterone receptors and blocks its action. The endometrium stops growing, the fetus dies. At the same time, the sensitivity of the myometrium to oxytocin is restored, the uterus begins to contract and reject the embryo. After 48 hours, you need to take misoprostol orally or gemeprost vaginally. These are analogues of prostaglandins, which increase uterine contractions and expel the rejected fetal egg. The endometrium is not injured.
Normally, after taking the drug, bleeding begins. It doesn't have to be very strong. If a woman has to change the pad every 30 minutes, this is an occasion to urgently consult a doctor. The absence of discharge within 2 days indicates an unsuccessful interruption attempt.
The following conditions are pathological:
• rise in temperature above 38 degrees;
• intense pain in the abdomen, sometimes extending to the lower back;
• foul-smelling discharge.
After 2 days, the result is evaluated by ultrasound. With the preservation of the fetal egg and incomplete interruption, vacuum aspiration or scraping is done. If everything went well, then after 10-14 days the woman needs to come for an examination to her doctor.
Menstruation should begin 5-6 weeks after taking the pills. But you should worry about contraception after a medical abortion, you can get pregnant again a few days after the end of bleeding. To normalize the hormonal background, it is optimal to use combined oral contraceptives during this period. They will reliably protect against conception and help establish a cycle.