Abortion is done in the following cases:
1. The conscious choice of a woman, provided that she went to the clinic for a period not exceeding 12 weeks.
2. Statement of intrauterine death of the fetus or the presence of its pathological conditions.
3. Complications that arose during pregnancy, and which directly threaten the health and life of a woman.
4. Ectopic pregnancy.
5. Critical health conditions of a woman that require immediate intervention. These are not absolute contraindications for abortion, therefore, even if there is a threat of a fatal outcome for the mother or for the child, the woman’s desire to continue the pregnancy must be taken into account.
6. Pregnancy arose as a result of rape.
Contraindications for any abortion are as follows:
• acute inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
• a period of more than 12 weeks;
• Rhesus conflict during the first pregnancy.
Every woman should be aware that even in the absence of early complications, artificial termination of pregnancy is not a harmless procedure, and may lead to long-term consequences:
• violation of hormonal balance;
• formation of tumors in mammary glands;
• the appearance of precancerous and tumor formations in the reproductive organs;
• inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
• adhesive process;
• infertility;
• psychological trauma.
As for the possibility of subsequently bearing and giving birth to a child, this is very individual. In the past, abortions often led to infertility due to the use of outdated technologies and as a result of aggressive effects on the woman's body. Now there are quite gentle ways to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, but the risk still remains.
According to doctors, after sparing options for abortion and provided there are no complications, the female body is restored in about a month or two. But experts do not advise rushing into a new pregnancy - it is better to wait until the genital organs are fully restored, and at this time it is worth avoiding pregnancy. To the question “Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after an abortion?”, The answer may be positive, but whether a woman can bear a baby is not a fact.
Of course, a woman must decide on her own whether to continue or terminate a pregnancy, but the decision she makes must be balanced and thoughtful. In addition to the fact that abortion can lead to health problems, we must not forget about the moral side of the issue. What is an embryo? This is an early stage of human development. Therefore, if you look at this issue from a philosophical point of view, the embryo is not much different from the baby - it is a future personality, and a unique personality. In this aspect, abortion is murder, but there is another nuance - the rights of the mother, so the question of what is more important is an embryo with the right to life or a woman with the right to freedom of choice remains debatable.
Another thing is abortion for medical reasons. In this case, only the mother can make a choice. She has the right to risk her health and even life for the sake of the birth of a child, or she can terminate the pregnancy.
Thus, abortion is not always immoral, if a woman, knowing about the possibility of getting pregnant, does not use the means of such contraception available in the modern world, and then comes for an abortion, this can be compared to the murder of a child. If it is necessary to terminate the pregnancy due to the health of the mother or pathologies of the development of the fetus, one can argue about equating this abortion with murder.