Usually they resort to it if no more than 5-7 weeks have passed since the moment of conception. This method is also considered the least traumatic for the female body, since the fetal egg is sucked out of the uterus through a special catheter probe connected to the pump of the vacuum apparatus.
The advantages of vacuum aspiration (popularly a mini-abortion) are obvious: a thin probe that is inserted through the cervix without dilating it does not injure the female organs at all, and the rejection of the fetus, which still has weak connections with the walls of the uterus, occurs due to the creation of a negative pressure. It is only important not to miss the deadlines and in the future to make sure that the fetal egg is completely extracted.
Modern technologies make it possible to carry out vacuum aspiration with virtually no consequences for the female body. However, this procedure has a number of contraindications:
• less than six months have passed since the previous abortion - any;
• ectopic pregnancy;
• the gestation period is more than 5 weeks (maximum - 7) - in this case, the fetal egg is already firmly attached to the walls of the uterus, which greatly complicates its exfoliation and suction;
• a woman suffers from any inflammatory diseases, including a purulent infection of any part of the body.
The whole procedure is performed under local anesthesia - general anesthesia is resorted to only in exceptional cases - within 10-15 minutes. A woman can go home almost immediately. Next - personal hygiene and a visit to the gynecologist at the appointed time.