In order not to have to resort to abortion, it is necessary to take a reasonable approach to pregnancy planning and contraception. At present, for any couple, you can choose the best way of prevention.
These could be the following:
• barrier - condoms, special vaginal caps;
• oral contraceptives;
• spermicidal preparations that are inserted into the vagina before each sexual intercourse;
• intrauterine devices (they can be used in women with contraindications to hormonal contraception, and some spirals have a therapeutic effect on fibroids and endometriosis).
For women over 30 who already have children and no longer plan to give birth, voluntary sterilization can be performed - tubal ligation, which is guaranteed to protect against fertilization and will not disturb the general condition.
If unprotected intercourse occurs, use emergency contraception, for example, Postinor. It is drunk during the day after sexual intercourse to cause hormonal changes that will not allow pregnancy to develop. But this tool knocks down the hormonal rhythm, so you can not resort to it more than 1 time per year.
Special attention deserves folk methods of abortion at 1 week and at a later date. Some women use them in the hope of hiding their situation from others or from a desire to save money on going to the doctor. This approach can backfire in the form of incomplete abortion, massive bleeding, or infection. In most cases, such manipulations are accompanied by the development of infertility.
Women should remember that abortion is not a way to plan a pregnancy. This is an emergency method that is used in exceptional cases. It is better to approach the choice of a method of prevention wisely already at a young age than to regret later on your mistakes.