Many women believe that this refers to those hormonal pills that are taken for the purpose of contraception, regular or emergency. For example, there is an opinion that the most famous means of emergency contraception, "Postinor", will work, even if it is taken while already pregnant. This is not so, medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages is carried out with the help of another drug - antiprogesterone, and it is impossible to buy it in a pharmacy in the dosage necessary for abortion.
Another feature of this type of abortion is the strict observance of the terms of its implementation. You need to have time to make an interruption up to 6 weeks, that is, two weeks of delay in menstruation. If you practice the medical method of abortion for a longer period, the consequences can be negative. Of course, complications can arise in case of full compliance with the deadlines, but their risk is much lower. The consequences include severe bleeding, provoked by the remnants of the membranes in the uterus. If this happens, vacuum aspiration or surgical abortion should be performed. This complication occurs in no more than five women out of 100 who perform medical termination of pregnancy. The rest have a complete miscarriage. But there are side effects, some are more pronounced, and some are less. This is an increase in blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, high body temperature, weakness.
How everything goes. After a small examination, including a mandatory ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries, the woman signs the consent to the procedure and confirms that she understands what complications may be. It should be remembered that after the first pills taken, it will no longer be possible to leave the child. Even if the fertilized egg continues to develop, and the drugs do not work or do not work completely.
The doctor will first dispense several antiprogesterone tablets, for a total of 200 mg. Their woman takes in the presence of her doctor. He stays at the clinic for a couple of hours and then goes home. Usually, a miscarriage does not occur immediately after taking antiprogesterone, the state of health does not worsen, although the drug itself begins to act actively. It binds to progesterone receptors, blocks the production of the hormone. This leads to the beginning of detachment of the fetal egg and the readiness of the myometrium for contractions.
After 36-48 hours, a woman in the clinic or at home (if the doctor gave her medication at home) takes a second medicine - prostaglandin. And after that, the expulsion of the fetal egg occurs, accompanied by the unpleasant symptoms indicated above. After a miscarriage, bleeding continues for several days, but the state of health becomes much better.
After 7-10 days, a control ultrasound is performed to make sure that the fetal egg and its membranes have left the uterus.
The advantages of this type of abortion is the absence of surgical intervention in the uterus. Due to the observance of the period up to which week, the medical method of abortion is allowed, a close relationship between the mother and the child does not have time to be established, hormonal disorders are also not too pronounced. Almost immediately after an abortion, a new pregnancy can occur. The menstrual cycle is restored after 28-30 days, usually without delay.