The very name of the method indicates that the course of pregnancy is interrupted by taking special medications, or rather, tablets. For a number of reasons, this can be done early (up to 7 weeks) and only under medical supervision.
The essence of medical abortion is that a woman takes pills (usually Mifegin, Mifepristone, Mifiprex), which prevent the production of progesterone in her body. As a result, the fetal egg, which does not receive a hormone important for its development, dies, then, after taking special additional drugs, it is rejected by the woman's body and spontaneously leaves the uterus through the opened cervix. Thus, with medical abortion, the same miscarriage occurs, only specially provoked.
The advantage of this method is that the female genital organs (cervix and uterine wall) do not experience any mechanical impact from the outside. It is for this reason that it is recommended for women who have not yet given birth.
Despite the fact that medical abortion is recognized as the safest of all existing methods of abortion, it can lead to some consequences:
• bleeding - when taking pills, you need to ensure that the discharge is not very plentiful;
• incomplete rejection of the fetal egg - in this case, scraping with a curette is additionally used;
• hormonal failure in the female body, and this is a change in the menstrual cycle, the thyroid gland, etc.
For these reasons, medical abortion should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor who will definitely specify the gestational age, prescribe a preliminary test and assess the woman's health, and perform 2 ultrasound procedures: before the abortion and two weeks after it. This will make sure that the termination of pregnancy will go according to plan and without consequences.