In most cases, the procedure is quick and almost painless, with the exception of surgery. Within a few weeks after the procedure, the menstrual cycle is disturbed. In the case of surgery, the risk of infertility remains. Many girls are psychologically difficult to endure the procedure, which can lead to depression and neurosis, but this does not happen too often.
To prevent dangerous complications, a woman must strictly follow the doctor's recommendations during the rehabilitation period.
The recovery time after surgery is at least 4 weeks, during which:
• a woman should not have sex - this can lead to infections and inflammation;
• it is important to monitor your own well-being, if the pressure drops or rises, the temperature rises, you need to contact a gynecologist;
• within 2 weeks you can not play sports - this can provoke inflammation;
• within 3-4 weeks you can take a shower, bath, swimming pool and hot bath is prohibited;
• you can not tolerate if you want to go to the toilet, this can also lead to inflammation of the pelvic organs.
In addition, the girl must adhere to proper nutrition, a complete ban on smoking and alcohol is imposed.
Termination of pregnancy in the early stages requires a woman's responsible attitude, since even medical abortion is a rather serious intervention in the body. If you strictly follow the doctor's indications, then the procedure in most cases is successful. But the risk of complications remains, especially with surgical abortion.