The beginning of the week is characterized by a fetal length of 6-7 cm, and by the end it reaches 10 cm, the weight of the unborn child at the moment is 20-30 grams.
This week kicks off the second trimester of pregnancy. The fetus grows intensively, its legs and arms lengthen. There is also a change in the proportions of the body, the head no longer looks as big as it used to be. The future baby already knows how to reach his mouth with his finger and sucks it, which is often seen by specialists during ultrasound diagnostics. Thus, the sucking reflex, which is so important for the baby in the first time after birth, finds its manifestation.
There is an intensive growth of muscles, it is especially noticeable in the area of \u200b\u200bthe legs. The future baby becomes more active, his movements are now smoother. At this time, the woman is not able to feel the child, because he, being in the uterus, floats freely and does not actually come into contact with its walls. In the fetus at this stage, the formation of the rudiments of all milk teeth ends. The rudiments are located in the mucosa of both jaws.
The gastrointestinal tract is also in the stage of active growth and development. Fitting into loops, the intestine completely fills the abdominal cavity. On the inner surface of the intestine, its mucous membrane, villi are formed, which should cover the entire internal area. These villi after birth will help the baby absorb all the nutrients from the food in the intestinal cavity. The wave-like movements that the fetal intestine makes help it push through the amniotic fluid, which the unborn baby constantly swallows. These waters do not contain useful substances, they only help the intestines to train and form the necessary muscular system.