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If there is bleeding very abundant

Bleeding is very heavy bleeding that lasts more than 2-3 hours and soaks more than 2-3 maxi sanitary pads in an hour. Get dizzy or feel dizzy is possibly a sign of too much blood loss and may be dangerous to the health of women. Heavy bleeding that does not diminish after 2-3 hours may indicate that abortion is not complete (the remains of pregnancy are still in the womb) which requires medical treatment. This can occur several hours after taking misoprostol but two weeks or longer after the abortion.

In this case, a woman should go to the nearest hospital or doctor to get help.

In countries where abortion is a crime, doctors or nurses sometimes denounce the police women who tried to abort. Recommend, whenever possible, to use a doctor that the woman can be trusted.

In countries where women can be prosecuted for having an abortion, it is not necessary to tell the medical staff that we tried to induce abortion. We can say we had a spontaneous miscarriage. The doctor CAN NOT see the difference. The treatment is also the same. It is also known as curettage vacuum aspiration, treatment by a doctor will empty the uterus. In all cases, doctors have a duty to provide assistance.

If fever

Chills are a common side effect of misoprostol as well as some elevation of body temperature. However, if the woman has a fever (> 38 degrees Celsius) for more than 24 hours, or if it is over 39 degrees of fever, consult a doctor because it may be that there is an infection resulting from an incomplete abortion, which requires treatment (with antibiotics and / or vacuum suction).

If misoprostol did not result

This is the case when misoprostol caused no bleeding or there was a little bleeding but the pregnancy continues. There is a small increased risk of birth defects such as malformations of the hands or feet and problems with the nervous system of the fetus if the pregnancy continues after attempting abortion with these drugs. Because of this low risk of birth defects, a vacuum aspiration should be performed if the miscarriage does not occur in women after taking misoprostol.

In the future

Get yourself a good contraceptive method to prevent another unwanted pregnancy. An IUD can be inserted by a doctor as soon as the bleeding has stopped and a pregnancy test gave a negative result or an ultrasound shows an empty uterus. Oral contraceptives can also be taken once the bleeding is finished but they will not be completely safe during the first month. Use a method of contraception such as condoms for extra protection during the first month.

How Can I Have a Safe Abortion with Pills?

In Countries Where abortion is legal, Two medicines, mifepristone and misoprostol, are available from doctors and are 95-98% effective in ending year Safely unwanted pregnancy up to 12 weeks. The service is Provided in clinics and is Extremely safe.

Misoprostol alone aussi very safe and is 80-85% effective in ending unwanted pregnancy early year (up to 12 weeks). In Mexico And Many Other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, misoprostol is available over the counter (without a prescription) in pharmacies. It Is Generally Used For ulcers and for arthritis.

If you live in the U.S., abortion is legal in Every state. However, it is a crime to Induce an abortion if you fired, return not get the medicines (mifepristone, misoprostol) from a doctor, nurse practitioner, physician assistant or nurse midwife. It has aussi crime to help a woman to get the abortion pills if you are not a licensed medical clinician. The penalty for this depends on Which state you live in, goal Cdn carry serious fines and jail sentences.