The awakening sensations, 5 months
18 weeks pregnant, 19, 20, 21, 22 - 20 weeks of gestation, 21, 22, 23, 24
The appearance of mother
The second quarter is generally the one where the mother feels best. You are in full bloom, you have confidence in you, the baby is half way and you start to feel him move.
Your body is now that of a pregnant woman for most. Your belly is rounded and it is not coming in your regular clothes, plan, if not already done so, your pregnancy wardrobe.
Your breasts swell, swell. The areola darkens and grows also, do not worry, it will disappear after pregnancy.
The uterus is growing and, by reducing the size of your rib cage, you're out of breath easily. Remember that the more you have to breathe and eliminate carbon dioxide for two! Less oxygen to the brain can cause some glare. Prevention: Reduce your activity level and start breathing exercises.
Your thyroid function any longer and that's why you're warmer than usual.
This is the best time to travel (avoid the car for long journeys) but avoid countries that require vaccination.
Your perineum may begin to "suffer" from pregnancy, which occurs most often by a weak bladder that you should tell the person responsible for monitoring your pregnancy. It gives you advice, will explain simple exercises to tone your pelvic floor or send you to a service uro-dynamic.
The placenta is constituted.
Your bloodstream increases in size (which can make you fat), this causes some inconvenience as bleeding from the nose and gums, vein problems in the legs ("ants", varicose veins etc ...). Blood pressure drops which can cause discomfort vagal e dizziness.
If you have albumin in the urine, swelling of extremities, severe fatigue and unusual headache and / or stomach and feeling fly flying before the eyes, consult urgently, it may restrict be a kidney dysfunction, which can lead to preeclampsia (result for you and your child if it is not treated on time).
Medical examinations and procedures
Can you make between 20 and 24SA a fetoscopy (observation of the fetus in utero) if you have a child with a malformation or if you belong to your spouse or a family with a serious hereditary disease.
This is the second month of ultrasound called "morphological ultrasound" because the ultrasound will tour all visible organs (brain, stomach, kidneys etc ...). You can find out the sex of your baby but if you do not want to, we advise you to say before beginning the examination. The margin of error in predicting the sex is 20% (the material is more recent and relevant ultrasound, the rate falls over). Ultrasound will also examine the placenta, blood exchange between you and baby, the amniotic fluid etc ... It takes place 22 to SA.
Start thinking seriously about your baby's name because if you give birth prematurely, you would have the prénommer in an emergency (you do indeed have less than 3 days to report your child in town hall and then to choose the final name).
Dad Side
Eager to feel her baby moving it will have to wait about three weeks to feel baby move too.