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The prenatal exercise ball
To keep fit during pregnancy, prenatal exercise ball supports you, rolling, softens, strengthens and allows you to experience a very pleasant effect of weightlessness.
WOW! What interesting medium for pregnant women so they can stay fit throughout pregnancy! It supports, rolls, softens, strengthens and enables one to experience weightlessness so pleasant.
Dealing With Pregnancy
Practice exercise ball reduces many discomforts of pregnancy. It can work effectively oblique muscles of the abdominal wall that help prevent the diastase of grandparents rights, this small separation at the center of the abdominals. It promotes the lengthening of the muscles of the lumbar spine to decrease considerably lower back pain that often fester pregnancy. The exercises in lateral recumbent position with one leg up resting on the ball, run alternately, increase blood circulation, which facilitates venous return and reduces feelings of heaviness, tingling and fatigue in the legs.
Facilitate childbirth
A variety of specific exercises with the exercise ball will affect delivery. Rotating movements while sitting on the ball will increase the overall flexibility of the pelvis to facilitate engagement of the baby in the pelvis during labor and childbirth. The possibility offered the ball to develop the obliques and transverse of the sheath abdominal thrusts will more effective expulsion phase. The rocking motion of relaxation of the perineum to prevent perineal tears or the need to perform an episiotomy. In general, the exercises promote natural childbirth. Confidence that women will acquire its full potential it will need for physical labor.
Unique sensations
After a workout with the ball, women say they never could imagine that a balloon could make them much good. It's like getting a massage, all points accumulated tension disappear. The woman is in a state of total well-being and this effect persists. Sleep is more recuperative. The gut works better because the movements of the ball greatly stimulated. The ball can perform movements that are almost impossible to achieve otherwise. Certain positions place the body of the pregnant woman in a way where gravity acts differently. Since the advent of prenatal aquatic, it has been nothing better for pregnant women.
Reduces the effects of relaxin
As the ball withstands the heavy weight of the pregnant woman and feel is an effect of weightlessness, the pain associated with the effects of relaxin as pain in the pubic symphysis (pubic bone) or the sacroiliac joint (lower back) are significantly attenuated when performing certain movements with the ball, without interfering with the achievement of objectives. What about knee pain, the ball supports the body in motion as water would, with the advantage of not having to get wet and dry their hair after the event!
And Security!
Certainly, one would think it is absolutely not safe to do exercises with a ball during pregnancy. But this is not the case when using an anti-burst ball. It should also be chosen according to the pressure it can withstand. Gymnic Balls can support up to 300 pounds of pressure. Do not skimp on quality is paramount. Furthermore, this same balloon can be safely brought to the hospital to facilitate the work of childbirth. Almost all hospitals have balls, but sometimes they are not enough to meet demand. There are also extensive training in couples who initiate couples ball of birth, find out! Dad will be happy to help Mom significantly on the day of delivery. The use of the ball couple of birth allows a woman to enjoy the effect of gravity on the work of childbirth. The reduced risk of perineal tear, reduced medication requirements and pain relief are among the benefits. Women who have developed a certain complicity with the ball during pregnancy were much more likely to use it for childbirth and enjoy the many benefits
Baby benefits of increased circulation, blood flows through the placenta, so oxygen and feeds. Movements and relax the cradle. Mom is better oxygenated, has a better posture, less pain was lower back, sleeps better, baby is better off. It is a symbiotic relationship with his mother and the welfare mom acts directly on his own. The ball can work on balance at all levels of physical and mental. The exercise ball in the prenatal period is an extraordinary medium, let it be said ...