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Some prenatal exercise
Some strengthening exercises will be suggested to help you during pregnancy and childbirth. Some of these exercises and their benefits.
Some strengthening exercises will be suggested to help you during pregnancy and childbirth. Exercising for the first 40 weeks of pregnancy does not guarantee a quick and easy delivery. By cons, a healthy woman will have a greater endurance during delivery and recover more quickly afterwards.
It is important to warm up before your routine and return slowly to a relaxation phase after exercise.
The following describes some of these exercises and their benefits.
Preventing back pain
The following exercises will help strengthen the muscles of the abs, back and neck. They help maintain good posture throughout pregnancy.
Sit-up ground
Lie on your back, knees bent at 45 degrees and keep your feet on the ground. The arms are on the legs. Lift shoulders off the floor and bring hands on knees. Back down the hill. Repeat 10 to 15 times, 2 to 3 times a drive.
Variation: Lift cross in bringing the hand to opposite knee.
Up Right Row
Stand with legs slightly bent at shoulder width. You can take free weights or cans light. Hold the weights in each hand and lift the chin up. Make sure that your back is not arched during elevation. Repeat 10 to 15 times, 2 to 3 times.
Chest support
These two exercises will help to support the chest thus avoiding a too big stress on the shoulders during the volume gain.
Traction on the wall
Stand facing the wall, palms on the wall while keeping your arms straight. Hands are distanced 60 cm and placed at shoulder height. Keeping the body straight, bring your face close to the wall. Repeat 10 times, 2 times.
Variation: on knees on the ground.
Seated Row
Sit on the ground legs slightly bent. Have a strong elastic or towel under your toes. Keep your palms facing down and bring hands on each side of the chest. It is important to keep your elbows high. Repeat 10 to 15 times, 2 times.