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The perineum, the unknown.
The preparation of the perineum during pregnancy.
Some doctors recommend starting the exercises in the fourth month of pregnancy.
In fact, one may even start before, if the need arises, and ideally, it should always be aware of the existence and functioning of these muscles ...
Sit down and try ...
The goal is to contract the pelvic floor in bearings, and of course to do things to relax by the same levels.
This exercise is great because it allows you to learn to control it, and know its potential.
Potential particularly useful on the day of delivery.
In absolute terms, the advice applies when trying to reach 10 levels of contraction and relaxation.
Normally, no baby who weighs his weight is almost feasible on the first try ...
But do not get upset if you do only 6 or 7 levels when you are expecting a baby.
It is the practice that allows you to reach without forcing the 10 steps.
What is nice is that this exercise is practicable everywhere, from one minute you can, standing, sitting on the subway or at work, think of you!
The perineum during childbirth.
This is the time of expulsion that the perineum will be the most severely stressed.
Eviction triggers you are accompanying a force by pushing.
The goal is to grow by relaxing the perineum, and make it happen, we must know and then release the pressure you exert.
Do not worry! this exercise is proposed to test during the course of preparation for childbirth.
We can not speak of the perineum during childbirth without mention of episiotomy:
The episiotomy is an incision in the perineum to prevent it from tearing during the expulsion.
The importance of knowing and preparing for the big day.
At the end of the birth, just after delivery, the midwife or doctor will ask the stitches: it happens in three stages.
First, we suture the inner lining (the vagina), then the muscle tissue (the fibers of the perineum), then the skin.
After delivery, the perineum is distended, then this is the re-educate it to regain its elasticity and strength to block the sphincters.