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The exercises are beneficial during pregnancy

Women already active can continue to exercise without worrying. For others, it is the right time to start, but gently.

There is not too long ago, pregnant women were encouraged to stay in bed, or at least to exercise caution. However, it has never established that rest helps women to prolong pregnancy or reduce blood pressure.

Women already active can continue to exercise without worrying. For others, it is the right time to start, but gently.

Women are more likely to believe that exercise can harm the fetus and cause premature labor. Fortunately mentality begins to change.

Could it be the key to a worry-free birth? It does not guarantee an easy delivery, far from it, but we are preparing to breathe in pain. It seems to help cope with what may happen to live in the moment. Increasingly, pregnancy is associated with the adoption of healthy lifestyles. Many women take the opportunity to resolve to get fit.

There was never, it seems, as many courses for pregnant women. Nordic walking between prenatal, prenatal yoga, prenatal water aerobics, Pilates and prenatal fitness prenatal moms not know which way the belly!

In fact, pregnant women remain active minority. This is indicated by a Norwegian study, published in June 2008 in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. A total of 34 508 pregnant women were interviewed. The proportion of women who were training regularly before pregnancy was 46.4%. This percentage dropped to 28% at 17 weeks and 20.4% at 30 weeks.

Other studies confirm this trend. It's a shame because the exercise would prevent gestational diabetes and may help prevent the risk of preeclampsia.

If we should avoid diving, sky diving or surfing, a variety of sports remain safe. Contrary to popular belief, jogging and aerobics are safe. Not risky jumps? Jumps are not dangerous, it is a myth. We must especially avoid sports where there are risks of knocks or falls. We continually judo or boxing and we will not go downhill skiing in the bumps at 36 weeks.

While there is no doubt that physical activity is beneficial, its direct effect on childbirth and the fetus is still unknown. In experimental studies, the numbers are often too small to draw firm conclusions. On the other side, observational studies on large samples, may have biases. As working women are generally healthy at the base, how to determine whether exercise is associated with an easier delivery? We know at least that sport is safe.

We can say quite correctly, that physical activity during pregnancy increases energy levels, strengthens muscles, improves weight control, sleep quality and self-image. It also reduces stress, discomfort and severity of stretch marks.

Some research indicates that children of mothers physically active during pregnancy are more tolerant of the physiological stress associated with birth, have a lower fat percentage up to 5 years, motor skills were superior to the 1 year of age and have better intellectual performance at five years. It remains to be confirmed what is undeniable is that exercise is good for morale.