If you lead a healthy pregnancy, you can make love to the onset of labor. Talk first with your gynecologist if you encounter problems during your pregnancy, such as placenta previa or bleeding, or if you already have a miscarriage.
Sex are they going to hurt baby?
You will not hurt your baby by making love, even if your partner is above you. The thick mucus plug that closes the uterus prevents any risk of infection. Amniotic fluid and powerful muscles of your uterus also protect your baby. If your child moves a bit after orgasm, it's not because he knows what is happening or has it bad, but just because your heart beats very fast. However, in some situations, you may be advised not to have sexual intercourse.
Will it be as good as ever?
Even better for some women! Others will find it less well. The blood flow to the pelvic area can cause engorgement of the genital area, and increase sensation. But in other women, this bottleneck can leave an unpleasant sensation in size after sex. Some mothers also suffer from abdominal cramps during or after sex.
I did not feel like making love since I'm pregnant. Is this normal?
Yes! Your body undergoes changes that will obviously affect your sex life. Some women, finally freed from the concerns of conception or birth control, sex will feel more than ever. But others are just too tired or too nauseated to make love, especially in the first quarter. The second trimester is often marked by a resurgence of libido. Your desire may fade again in the third quarter, you start thinking about childbirth, or you do not really feel any more attractive.
Is the sexual behavior of my partner will change?
Most men find very attractive their partner during pregnancy. But the desire of the partner may be marred by concerns about the health of mother and baby, fear of becoming a parent, fear that sex does not hurt the fetus, or even the moral reluctance to make love in the presence of the unborn child.
Oral sex is it safe?
Completely. Neither you nor your baby will not suffer. It can be a solution if intercourse is deemed too risky.
What positions are most comfortable?
Here are some tips and positions tested and approved to have sex during your pregnancy:
• Lie on your side. Making love with your partner over your demand for more and more imagination as and as your belly swells. But be on your side makes your partner does not weigh on your uterus.
• Use your bed for support. Your stomach will not interfere if you lie on your back on the edge of the bed or at the foot of the bed, knees bent, your buttocks and your feet on the edge of the mattress. Your partner can either kneel or stand on the floor, facing you.
• Lie on your side in the spoons position, which allows only shallow penetration. Deeper penetration can become increasingly annoying over the months.
• Put yourself in your partner. No weight based on your belly, and you can control the penetration.