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Sexuality postpartum
When resuming sex after the birth of a baby? Medical or religious prohibitions balisaient once this area: it had or should not resume sex before so many weeks or months. Currently each couple is left alone with this issue.
In the days and weeks after birth, the attention of the young mother is focused on her baby. Spouse keeps course a very important but often under father than lover.
Do not rush things
Sexuality in a couple can not be an obligation, erotic activity is experienced in relaxation, sharing and play a man (or woman) can live without sex, it will not fall ill, although of course he saw a major frustration. This frustration is more or less readily accepted by different people. If the sexual tension is too strong masturbation can be a solution until the sexual desire is present on both sides. The couple may also take the time to exchange tenderness, caress, massage, without lead as he had used before birth to sexual intercourse. These comparisons allow the couple physically to feel close and promote the resumption of a comprehensive sexuality when the woman will feel ready physically and mentally.
Of course sexuality can resume as soon as the couple wishes
The episiotomy heals in five days, care may be needed for 10-15 days but after this time everything should be back to normal;
Do not forget contraception, a new pregnancy is possible before the return of layer (first menstruation that occur after childbirth). If a woman is breastfeeding fertility is lower but pregnancy is possible;
If a woman is breastfeeding, during sexual arousal or orgasm, emission of milk may occur. A feeding shortly before the sexual encounter will avoid this problem. In this case also the lubrication is sometimes less intense and takes longer to occur, the couple's use of a lubricating gel can then improve comfort;
Even if the vagina was distended during childbirth, quickly regained its shape and elasticity. Strengthen the perineal muscles around the vagina.
What we say statistics
Half the time intercourse resumed only at the request of the man;
20% of the couples resumed sexual activity one month after birth;
Sexuality takes for most couples seven weeks after delivery.
What usually motivates the non-resumption of sexual
Fatigue is an important element. Sexuality can flourish only when basic needs are being met. The need for sleep will take the place of sexual desire if fatigue is major. The revivals of the baby at night, the lack of help in daily tasks promote fatigue and lack of sexual desire;
Pain in the perineal area associated with the healing of episiotomy if it was necessary. The woman sometimes needs to look, to touch this area to verify that nothing hurts. If this location is painful, consult a doctor. Some positions are less damaging this area can be recommended: the woman is on her partner, the man and woman are side by side;
When the child sleeps in the parents' room, the fear of waking can be an obstacle to the resumption of sexual activity fulfilling;
The change in social status and family especially during the birth of a first child. This important change may disrupt one or both spouses. The couple became lovers parental couple. How sexuality is experienced it in this new couple, in this new family?