Is it dangerous? The desire he follows a curved upward or downward? These questions sometimes parasitize the intimacy of the couple. If there is some precautions to take, it is important above all to seek well-being and comfort to two without drama.
One of the first questions that arise concerning the desire: Will it weaken or, conversely, be boosted? The two scenarios are possible. The quality of the couple's sexuality depends mainly on how the pregnancy is experienced. In general, we can say that more pregnancy is lived in anxiety, the more the desire to suffer. It is important to remember that being pregnant is not a disease. Except in cases of difficult pregnancies (which require less movement to the possible), sexuality has no reason to be excluded. Moreover, many women who have babies feel "ultraféminines" and their inner wholeness leads to increased sensuality and ... communicative!
The first trimester of pregnancy - except in cases where the hormonal upheaval generates nausea and fatigue - is generally conducive to sexuality. The certainty of pregnancy (not too bulky belly), the manly pride of the father and the rain of hormones acting on the libido from the mother combine to bring the couple's sexuality in zénith.A from the fourth month, the baby moves, it is physically present. In general, the antics are softened, eroticism is tinged with tenderness. As for the last three months, they are marked by congestion on the belly of the mother!
The position known as "the spoon", the man behind the woman, then often adopted by couples. This is two, in complicity and good humor, he must find the rhythm and the most comfortable positions. If risk of premature birth, caution and smoothness are needed, obviously.
Finally, let us not forget the men, often destabilized by the physical and psychological changes of their companion, who goes from being a woman than mother. A little indulgence so if their libido is warmer and the expression of their desire, less frequent. It is important to respect their feelings and above all, do not take offense if lovemaking become scarce. In all cases, you can enjoy the pregnancy to develop two sensuality: caressing, massages, kisses ... are messages of love and eroticism, which reinforce the intimacy of the couple.