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Eighth month of pregnancy

The time for a third ultrasound

During this month of pregnancy your baby will turn to move in the right direction. Upside down, it takes out its provisions now before you get too big.

Do you know the menu prefer your baby? Calcium and iron!

If you are pregnant and your due date approaches win for the birth of your baby nursery with your equipment Oxybul awakening and games. Each month a park folding high chair, a lounger comfort and a stroller pack trio, this is your chance!

Weeks of the 8th month
32 33 34 35 36

The 32nd week of gestation (8th month of pregnancy)

The baby

Its size is 37 cm. Its weight is 1 kg 500. The diameter of his head is 8.2 cm.

He continues to suck his thumb. It feels cramped but it is always moving.

The mother

Not only do you feel your baby move, but the more you see. Sometimes your stomach goes in the shape of a football to that of a rugby ball! An impressive moment.

From now and for the rest of the pregnancy, the production of red blood cells will accelerate.

The 33rd week of gestation (the eighth month of pregnancy)

The baby

Its size is 39 cm. Its weight is 1 kg 700. The diameter of his head is 8.5 cm.

At this stage of its development, the baby occupies almost the entire volume of the uterus. He no longer has enough room to play mountaineer.

Before not move at all, it will make a final somersault and turn around completely, taking the final position it will have at the time of delivery.

The mother

By increasing volume, the uterus presses the diaphragm rises and covers the edge of the rib cage.

This is especially when seated you feel the discomfort that can end up being painful.

If this becomes the case, get up and stretch, raising his arms while inhaling. Lower the arms as you exhale.

Between 32nd and 35th weeks of gestation, it is time to make a third ultrasound.

The 34th week of gestation (the eighth month of pregnancy)

The baby

Its size is 40.5 cm. Its weight is 1 kg 900. The diameter of his head is 8.7 cm.

He continues to accumulate fat but yet his body still has a wrinkled appearance. Her skin is a little less red, pink and rather protective coating, vernix, is now very thick.

The level of calcium in the baby's blood is higher than in the mother. His bones continue to lengthen and thicken.

The mother

Even if you are concerned about your weight, you must eat rich and balanced.

For its development, your baby needs from your diet.

Do not forget to check your weight regularly.

The 35th week of gestation (8th month of pregnancy)

The baby

Its size is 42 cm. Its weight is 2 kg 100. The diameter of his head is about 8.8 cm.

He swallows a lot of amniotic fluid and urinates a lot.

Meconium begins to accumulate in his bowels.

From the eighth month and until birth, the detection of meconium in amniotic fluid, usually clear, is a sign of fetal distress.

The mother

Avoid any activities that might make you give birth prematurely.

Sexual intercourse is still possible but you should know that semen contains hormones called prostaglandins that can cause contractions. We advise you to avoid long penetrations.

The 36th week of gestation (the eighth month of pregnancy)

The baby

Its size is 43 cm. Its weight is 2 kg 200. The diameter of the head is 9 cm.

His face is smooth, most wrinkles have disappeared gradually as the layers of fat deposited under the skin.

He always hiccups because it breathes amniotic fluid.

The mother

Your pool is beginning to change (the bone deviate) to allow the passage of baby. This may cause some minor pain, but nothing dramatic.

You have more trouble finding a comfortable position: you can use a cousin of breastfeeding for you stall.

Contractions may appear at this stage of pregnancy, but nothing alarming.

Start preparing your suitcase and your baby!