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Third month of pregnancy

The new month of pregnancy and your baby begins is now a little man with a big head, arms and legs and most of his internal organs.

Now it is no longer an embryo but a fetus. During this month, the size of your baby will triple and quadruple its weight with a relatively slow growth of the head relative to the body.

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Weeks of the third month
11 12 13 14 15

The 11th week of gestation (third month of pregnancy)

The baby

Its size is 5.5 cm from head to heels. It weighs 10 grams. His face becomes more human but are still clogged his nostrils and his eyes completely cover his eyes.

His vocal chords are formed but it will use that at birth!

Testes or ovaries, her sexual organs are differentiated but nothing is visible so far.

Beginning of ossification.
The fetus is capable of some movement.
The anus is formed.
Separation of two nasal cavities.
The fetus is able to "jump"
See animated video third month of pregnancy

The mother

Your uterus is now the size of a large grapefruit. Your heartbeat accelerates, you get tired easily. Your kidneys work harder.

Your blood carries nutrients and oxygen to your baby also recovers waste and must be eliminated.

In addition, your bladder is not as compressed as the uterus rises in the abdomen!

Drink plenty of water and walk, relax and try to avoid any stressful.

Feel free to sleep too. In the first three months of pregnancy (first trimester), pregnant women need lots of sleep.

The 12th week of gestation (third month of pregnancy)

The baby

Your baby measures 7.5 cm. The length of the foot is 9 mm. It weighs 18 grams.

For the first time, the head raised slowly in recent weeks is now nearly straight. His brain is developing very fast.

He begins to have hair everywhere, even on the face. He already wriggling arms and legs but the mother does not feel anything yet. But it can be seen on ultrasound.

The mother

You begin to feel better. Your nausea will disappear this week or next week. You will find the taste of food.

This is the time of the first ultrasound! For the first time, eye contact will occur between you and your baby.

During this ultrasound, the doctor will check the vitality of the child and the exact date of conception.

It will also see if the fetus is positioned. Finally, you will know how many children you are wearing. If your baby does not sleep, you will see it move.

For your information:

There are two types of ultrasound: abdominal, where the probe is placed on the abdomen, and vaginal.

For the abdominal ultrasound, avoid cosmetics on her stomach a few days before the ultrasound, they could interfere with ultrasound.

Your doctor will tell you how much water to drink, neither too much nor too little, a full bladder improves the image.

The vaginal ultrasound has the advantage of being very precise measurements are more accurate.

The 13th week of gestation (third month of pregnancy)

The baby

Its size is 8.5 cm. It weighs 28 grams. The length of the foot is 1.2 cm. His first bones are present including the basin.

The first hair from growing cells of hair follicles, are emerging in areas of the eyebrows and upper lip.

This is an extremely fine fuzz that will fall at the time of birth to be replaced by other hair bigger.

His nostrils are uncorked, his liver is highly developed and intestine lengthens.

The mother

Your heart is faster than before your pregnancy. It runs around 4 to 8 beats per minute more. Your placenta is almost established.

Your hair is embellished since the beginning of your pregnancy. This is because pregnancy hormones slow you impregnate one hand, the natural fall of hair and, secondly, the secretion of the sebaceous glands located at their root.

Two to six months after delivery, your hair will start to fall.

The 14th week of gestation (third month of pregnancy)

The baby

Its size is 10 cm. It weighs 45 grams. He always has a big head. His fingers begin to have nails.

Her sexual glands secrete hormones. Suddenly, his genitals are becoming clear.

The liver, still huge, is not only to manufacture blood cells. It is by using marrow which will gradually take its relay.

Your baby grows and grows. He develops his bones and muscles and therefore need all the components necessary for their formation and growth.

He draws everything in your blood it needs and in particular amino acids that form proteins, the basic material of muscles.

It also draws calcium and minerals for the construction of its skeleton, iron for the formation of its red blood cells, vitamins that allow chemical reactions within cells.

The mother

You feel a little better: nausea fade, fatigue also. All along the belly, you see a dark line from navel to pubic bone. This is normal and will disappear after birth.

You can start preparing your breasts if you want to breastfeed: the goal is to harden the nipple to make it more resistant. For nipples just emerged, stretch them gently.

The 15th week of gestation (third month of pregnancy)

The baby

Its size is 12 cm. It weighs 65 grams. His head can be measured by ultrasound. It has a diameter of 3.2 cm.

From this measurement we can calculate the date of delivery in a few days.

He began to turn his head. Its mouth is able to open, close and execute sucking movements. He begins to swallow a bit of amniotic fluid that bathes it.

The mother

At the end of this month of pregnancy your belly begins to swell.

Small bubbles that burst in the lower abdomen: they are not gas but you feel your baby move. Initially, you will have some doubts, quickly faded.

Continue to coat your skin cream against stretch marks.

Nurse your stomach but also your breasts, your thighs and buttocks. You will increase the elasticity of your skin and you will enjoy to cuddle your baby.

Tip: Do not leave small local infections of the urogenital area. They may worsen and be the cause of serious complications.

This is one of the causes of miscarriage that can surnenir especially during the first month of pregnancy.

You ask the question naturally about sex: are they allowed?

Yes, if your pregnancy is progressing normally, and not temporary if the penetration is painful.