Acupuncture and herbal medicine help women get pregnant more easily through their pregnancy, but mostly they help the fetus to develop harmoniously through the body and metabolism revigorating mother and enhancing its immune functions. They also deal with complications of pregnancy such as: risk of miscarriage, gestational diabetes, toxemia of pregnancy, preecclampsia, respiratory viral infections, urinary infections, iron deficiency anemia, etc. .. There are no side effects or cons-indications, the acupuncturist will avoid simply stimulate certain acupoints.
It cleans and purifies the body
One benefit that may arise from traditional therapies during pregnancy is cleansing and detoxifying the body. In his life, the human body accumulates cell residues (deposits of dead cells and toxins) in its tissues, a process affecting the biological activity and causing fatigue, immune deficiencies, metabolic disorders, etc. .. Acupuncture and herbal medicine improve maternal health by removing these deposits; Thus, they offer the option of a fetus developing in a healthy body clean.
It infuses the body and improves the immunity of the mother
Hormonal changes and adjustment of the body due to pregnancy overall fatigue. Many pregnant women hardly meet their daily activities, especially if they are to continue working during pregnancy. These states of asthenia are treated by a combination of acupuncture to boost the effects and some herbs with invigorating and revitalizing effects that enhance the activity of the central nervous system and muscular system. At the same time, they improve immune function and protect the body against pathogens in the environment: viruses, bacteria, radiation from the sun, toxins and pollution.
It reduces pain and illness
In medical practice, acupuncture is often used to relieve pain. The activation of certain acupoints stimulates the secretion of endorphin, a neurotransmitter with strong analgesic action. In combination with certain herbs, the effects of endorphins aim to human psychic relax and relieve the pain of the spine or other body areas. Sensations of disease are reduced by balancing the energy centers that coordinate the activity of the digestive system.
It treats depression and anxiety
As they tone up the nervous system, normalizing endocrine activity, psychic life balance and revitalize the body, acupuncture and herbal medicine to fight depression and anxiety. The treatment also helps prevent postpartum depression, a disorder that occurs on a changing hormones in the body and the exhaustion of the body after delivery of the child. The acupuncturist will also accelerate the secretion of serotonin (the happy hormone), a neurotransmitter involved in the activity of the central nervous system, which plays a major role in maintaining the psycho-emotional balance and in preventing depression and anxiety.
It regulates blood pressure
The hormones trigger changes in blood pressure disorders. Therefore, during pregnancy, there may be choking sensations, palpitations, arrhythmias and high blood pressure. Stabilization of blood pressure will prevent preecclampsia.
It fights the effects of Migraines and Stress
Stress has a harmful effect on the body, the mother and fetus, organic activity, a condition that disrupts metabolic changes, darkening of cognitive activities and overload the nervous system. With hormone changes, these physiological processes often cause migraines during pregnancy. They can be treated by the normalization of oxygenation and cerebral vasculature, and organic tissue and by increasing the production of serotonin (a neurotransmitter that also coordinates the capillary dilatation and permeability of small blood vessels).
It prevents and treats edema. It controls weight
in the last months of pregnancy, suddenly or within a week or two is edema - a painless swelling, caused by the accumulation of serous fluid in the organs and tissues. In most cases, it appears in the legs or hands. Adipose tissue deposits are a common feature demonstrations of pregnancy. According to the diet, hydration, physical activity and health, a woman has more or less kg. Edema is prevented and treated by improving lymphatic drainage, metabolic processes and renal function. To control body weight, we will act at the energy centers regulating appetite, food assimilation and utilization of food nutrients in the body so that the body of the mother must assimilate necessary amount of nutrients from food as efficiently as possible.
In postpartum, it helps the mother recover
Acupuncture and herbal medicine accelerate processes of tissue regeneration and organic and they also make possible a quicker recovery after childbirth, as in the case of natural birth and for caesarean section. There was also very good results in the stimulation of lactation, mastitis prevention, reducing the flow of metrorrhages after delivery by stabilizing hormone secretion and normalization of menstruation.