In our society, pregnant women and mothers are often desexualized. Yet women are sexual beings at all stages of their lives. Pregnancy is a time of change and adaptation that affects all aspects of a woman's life, including his sexuality. There are countless ways for pregnant women to experience sexual intimacy (eg by touching, kissing, fondling of the language, massage, masturbation, penetration and oral sex). Communication between partners is essential for sex comfortable and satisfying, especially during pregnancy.
Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?
Yes. Sexual activity during pregnancy is safe and healthy, unless otherwise directed by your healthcare professional. One could, however, recommend that you abstain from vaginal sex:
- if you have had a miscarriage
- if you have bleeding in the first quarter
- if you have a placenta "previa" (located in the lower part of the uterus)
- if you have had a premature delivery
- if you had a lot of contractions during the last month of your pregnancy.
- If vaginal sex you are discouraged, there are other ways of being intimate with your partner.
Protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is also important during pregnancy. It is recommended to practice safer sex if either partner has an STI or HIV, or has had sexual contact outside of the couple.
Another important precaution is to avoid blowing air into the vagina, which could cause an embolism, a potentially fatal. The air could circulate through the vagina into the veins of the damaged wall of the uterus and cause complete obstruction of cœur.1, 2.3 Consult your healthcare professional for more information on the safety of sex during pregnancy.
Sexual desire varies there during pregnancy?
The level of desire and fluency may vary, pregnant women, due to physical and emotional changes that occur in it. Every woman, every pregnancy is unique. While some feel more attractive and more enjoy their sexuality, others have little or no interest in sex during pregnancy. The partner of the pregnant woman may also notice changes in his own sexual desire. It is essential that the partners talk about these changes and their feelings.
What changes are most common?
First quarter
Some parts of the body of the pregnant woman, as her breasts become more sensitive. Some women find this increased sensitivity pleasant, others not.
Morning sickness, fatigue and physical discomfort can also diminish the interest of women for sex.
Symptoms of the first quarter may continue in subsequent quarters.
Second quarter
Pain and discomfort in the back and breast tenderness and belly can affect sexual desire.
Many women, sexual desire increases at this stage of pregnancy: increased lubrication and swelling of the vaginal tissues can cause an effect similar to sexual arousal.
Breast stimulation can cause the secretion of a liquid (called "colostrum"). This is normal.
The partners could try various sexual positions or activities to identify the most comfortable and enjoyable.
Third quarter
Sexual desire may decrease, at this stage, due to fatigue, a feeling of heaviness or concerns related to childbirth.
After an orgasm, it may be that the woman feels her baby move.
As the baby drops into the basin during the ninth month, vaginal penetration may be uncomfortable. A slow and shallow penetration or sexual activity without penetration could be more enjoyable.
Phase of work may be triggered by intercourse?
Pregnant women often feel mild contractions during sexual arousal or orgasm - but they are not strong enough to trigger a delivery, unless the pregnancy is terminated. When the term of pregnancy is exceeded, sometimes recommends nipple stimulation and intercourse stimulate the initiation phase of work. Semen contains a low concentration of prostaglandin, a substance similar to a hormone that relaxes the cervix and can help induce labor. For women who are at high risk of premature delivery, it may be advisable to avoid orgasm, nipple stimulation and sexual intercourse, or use a condom during sex to avoid contact of sperm with the uterus. For more information, consult your health care professional.
My partner is pregnant. What should I do?
Ask your partner if she is comfortable, go slowly and respect their wishes, at each stage of pregnancy. Your interest in sex may also fluctuate, it may be useful to talk about your feelings with your partner. This will help you both deal with your concerns regarding sexuality and pregnancy, and to give and receive pleasure.
When can you start having sex after the baby is born?
It depends on the degree of fluency and desire of every woman. After childbirth, some women, the interest in sex may diminish or sexual intercourse may be painful for several reasons:
- fatigue related to the care of newborn
- physical discomfort
- vaginal lubrication, less abundant
- hormonal and emotional fluctuations.
Some forms of sexual activity can be practiced a few days after delivery, if the woman is comfortable and interested. Doctors usually recommend to wait for 4 to 6 weeks before resuming sexual intercourse. From a physical standpoint, sex is possible at the end of vaginal bleeding ("lochia") - indicating that the cervix has closed. It is also important to wait for the healing of the episiotomy or tearing of the vulva (in the case of a vaginal birth) or abdominal scars (in the case of a cesarean delivery), before resuming intercourse . Again, remember to maintain good communication with your partner. It is important for women to do what he thinks fit and not feeling rushed.
Is there anything else to know about sexuality and intimacy after childbirth?
Breastfeeding: During lactation, women can have feelings similar to sexual arousal or orgasm. Breastfeeding can cause vaginal dryness and decreased lubrication in the process of sexual arousal, using a water-based lubricant can make vaginal stimulation more enjoyable.
Contraception: It is possible to become pregnant again soon after childbirth, so it is important to think about birth control. Some contraceptive methods can be used after pregnancy, even in women who breastfeed. It is best to discuss postpartum contraception with your health care professional before the birth of your baby, to have time to think about your choice and get the method chosen.
Relationship development: The birth of a baby can be distressing for the couple. It can be difficult to make the relationship a priority as each partner is busy with new roles and new demands on their time. Communication between partners and the activities of torque are good ways to maintain the relationship.