Not easy to navigate all these barbaric terms used by your doctor. You knew a long time that pregnancy lasted nine months but when the doctor began to speak to you in weeks of amenorrhea and weeks of pregnancy, you do not dare tell him that you "pataugiez" somewhat! Fortunately, writing helps you see more clearly!
Amenorrhea is the absence of rules which a cause is pregnancy.
The weeks of gestation for a unit of time used in obstetrics to calculate gestational age and date the pregnancy.
How to count pregnancy?
It uses several methods to calculate the arrival of your baby. When calculating the pregnancy in weeks of gestation (WG), we start from the first day of last menstrual period. When talking in weeks of pregnancy, from the day of fertilization. In theory it is held on the fourteenth day of a 28-day cycle. Specifically, if your last period date back to January 1, the doctor will calculate your pregnancy from that date then you have been fertilized to 14 January. So on January 30, you are four weeks of gestation or 2 weeks of pregnancy. So there is a difference two weeks depending on whether you express yourself in weeks of gestation or weeks of pregnancy.
Concern for accuracy
Calculate weeks of gestation allows physicians greater precision. The LMP is easier to establish the exact date of fertilization. They then determine the approximate date of delivery which corresponds to 41 weeks of gestation. Either 9 months or 39 weeks of pregnancy.
Your appointments
You're anxious to see your baby and go for ultrasound is taken. Generally, they are 3 in number and are held at 12 and 22 weeks and the last at 32. The first ultrasound is very important because it allows to precisely date the pregnancy. The doctor is able to define the date of conception of your baby a few days!