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How to abort?

Every pregnant woman as pregnancy in a situation of distress it is the sole judge, may ask a doctor to terminate this pregnancy.

Think you're pregnant because you have a delay or missed period after:

- Sex (including an ejaculation on the vulva without penetration) are not protected by an effective method of contraception.
- A pill or omissions.
- A burst condom.
- The use of emergency contraception.
- Episodes of vomiting, diarrhea, or taking certain medications.

Other signs may alert you:

- Nausea, vomiting, blood / breast pain, sleepiness or irritability.
- Unusual aspect of the rules (delayed or advanced, shorter, less abundant ...)

Pitfalls to avoid:

- Await the return of the rules despite unprotected sex.
- Attribute the delay rules to irregular cycles or psychological reasons.
- Take medication, herbal or other drugs advised by relatives to bring the rules.
- Think that after 40 years, a woman can be pregnant and the absence of rules is related to menopause.
- Think that the first sex can not be fertilizing.

In all cases, you should always confirm the reality of the situation by doing a pregnancy test.

Urinary Nonprescription pharmacy, outstanding, from 15 to 23 €. Very good reliability. If in doubt do not hesitate to repeat the test.

Blood: Practiced in a medical analysis laboratory by blood.
Requires a prescription from a doctor. Reimbursed approximately € 16. Reliability almost constant from the 10th day after the report supposed fertilizing.

If the pregnancy test is positive.

Should be contacted as soon as possible with a structure performing abortions. This is the quickest and safest.
You can also contact your GP who will refer you to a center he knows. This is more random and cause you to lose valuable time.

Termination of pregnancy.

The doctor who receives you is obligated to provide any explanations on the progress of your intervention and / or refer you to a center or your application will be considered.


Investigations: In all cases you will be prompted a blood group card. No other further investigation is warranted unless otherwise stated (general anesthesia, medical method ...).
If you are a minor's legal guardian permission (parent, guardian) is required. This need for parental consent remains the norm, except in special cases. If such consent can not be obtained, you will be accompanied in your approach by an adult of your choice.

The medical method: The pregnancy must be done very quickly. It is possible up to 7 weeks of missed period is just under 1mois1 / 2 of pregnancy. There is no surgery, no anesthesia. Medication, under medical supervision, causes abortion. Hospital three hours. 3-4% failure.

The surgical method: The gesture is to empty the contents of the uterus by aspiration under anesthesia.

Local anesthesia: You will remain in full consciousness, only the cervix is anesthetized as for dental care. There is no need for anesthesia consultation. Hospitalization is short, you can go home immediately after the intervention.

Anesthesia: The anesthesia consultation is mandatory. The length of stay is 6 to 12 hours. The risks associated with general anesthesia, even if they are weak, are to consider in your decision.

If you are a rhesus negative blood group, an injection of a vaccine will be administered Rh (gamma globulin).

Medical method: control is mandatory from 10 to 15 days. It is only then that you will know if the method was successful.

Surgical method: Two weeks to a month after surgery.

In all cases this consultation will you do with an update on the implementation contraception after abortion and find one that is best suited. The effectiveness of this contraceptive is the best prevention of a new unwanted pregnancy.