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Pregnancy small inconveniences

Many small inconveniences incurred in the course of pregnancy. Some are trying and you should know that others may hide a real complication.

Nausea and vomiting, preserve the first trimester of pregnancy can be mild but sometimes require serious medical care.

Usually, nausea and vomiting occur in the morning at sunrise, or sometimes when the pregnant woman is in contact with particular odors.

To avoid these problems, we must advise pregnant women to take a breakfast rich in sugar before getting up and avoiding of course she finds unpleasant odors (especially tobacco).

Sometimes it will be necessary to resort to a kind Metoclopramide therapy.

SYNCOPE: in early pregnancy, the late morning of syncope due to hypoglycemia (poor breakfast). In late pregnancy, it is due to compression of the abdominal great vessels by the uterus. We must put pregnant women in lateral decubitus (lying on the side).

Anemia is common from the fifth month of pregnancy. The administration of iron and folate (vitamin B9) is sometimes necessary.

Constipation is sometimes frequent from the fifth or sixth month. Avoid laxatives or purges and increase consumption of fiber and liquids. Small rectal gels 1 or 2 times a week may be welcome.

The cramps will be treated by administration of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine).

Of bladder pain will be processed by abundant drinks. Ensure that there is no yeast infection.

You should know that pregnancy raises the central temperature: 37.5 in the morning, 38 evening.

The sedimentation rate is also accelerated.

Gum pain will be treated by administration of vitamin C.

Hemorrhoids, especially common in late pregnancy, will be processed by veinotonic, like varicose veins. For the latter, compression stockings are often indispensable.

The urge to sleep, sometimes very important in early pregnancy, usually resolves after the fourth month.

Insomnia is common in late pregnancy. However, it should avoid sleeping pills.

The lower limb edema in late pregnancy are common. Attention in case of sudden onset of lower limb edema, generalized edema or face, we must think of preeclampsia.

Hair loss and brittle nails can occur. Generally this will work out after delivery (this can be sometimes quite long).

Pigmentation of the skin disappears after delivery, except sometimes in the face especially if sun exposure is important ("pregnancy mask").

Weight gain over 12 kilos (theoretical limit allowed) is sometimes important. It will, soon delivery, support the overweight to return the ideal weight before pregnancy.

Itching, signs of cholestasis (bile stasis), must impose hospitalization to 35 weeks of pregnancy as there is a risk of fetal death.

The salivary hypersecretion can be troublesome. It recurs in each pregnancy, it ceases after delivery.

Heartburn is common, especially in late pregnancy. You have to sleep with several pillows. The dressings are effective gastric (polysilane gel, Gaviscon, Maalox etc ...).

The sex drive may be exaggerated or diminished.

FATIGUE, common in late pregnancy, is due to excess weight quickly acquired. It is often accompanied by difficulty breathing. We must monitor multiple pregnancies in late pregnancy as left heart failure may occur, requiring cesarean very quickly.