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You do not have periods for several weeks, and you want to be pregnant but you're not

It is neither appropriate nor necessary nor useful to take a treatment for "fry the rules."

Why? Because it is not rules that you need, but an ovulation. However, the only drugs that can trigger ovulation are only given to women with ovulation problems. In other words: a proven infertility - that is, who tried to become pregnant for at least two years with a man who himself is fertile (30% of infertility is related to sperm quality, and a variable proportion genetic incompatibility between the two partners)

Secondly, the fact of not having rules (and therefore, not to ovulate) is not at all a sign of infertility. It may be a sign of lots of things that disrupt the cycle because evolution has endowed the brain of a "blockage of ovulation" when the body "feels" not to be physically fit to carry a pregnancy well . It is for this reason that women who lose weight or who may take several weeks or months, if they do not have adequate weight, be without ovulation and without rules. Treatment, then this is ... return to the proper weight. That is not to force ovulation or "fry the rules"