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The diet during pregnancy

During the pregnancy, your child is completely dependent on you. A responsibility that rests, among other things, on your diet. How to eat properly during those nine months?

I eat, so you become

Being pregnant is no reason not to eat for two. More than ever, your diet should be balanced and healthy; prefer quality to quantity. Adopt the following habits:

Follow your appetite, there is no better guide food provided that they remain reasonable and moderate. Pregnancy is an exciting time to be listening to his body, enjoy it.

Drink plenty, at least 1.5 liters a day. The low mineral water is recommended for pregnant women. Ditto for milk, whose consumption is recommended half a liter per day.

Never skip a meal. Divide energy intake in five periods: it will ease the main meals and reduce nausea and bloating.

Do not follow any diet: nutritional deficiencies cause birth defects. If you follow a special diet (vegetarian, vegan ...), see your doctor regularly.

What can you eat?

Eat healthy and varied. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, frozen or canned, they are the first choice supplier of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Pour milk into your plate in any form, it will bring to the fetal calcium and protein. Do not skip the meat, poultry, fish (preferably fatty, for its vitamin D. For example salmon, mackerel, sardines), eggs and legumes, protein source and iron. Include in your diet daily bread and whole grains are rich in nutrients and fiber. Finally, select carefully the fat, both in quality and quantity, but do not deprive yourself as these ensure the proper development of the fetal nervous system.

What foods should you avoid?

Do not eat unpasteurized cheeses and pates, meats, fish and eggs are not cooked properly, shellfish, foie gras and smoked foods. This will reduce the risk of food poisoning, dangerous to the fetus.

Avoid fizzy drinks, coffee, tea and alcohol. Caffeine increases heart rate of mother and fetus. Limit yourself to two cups of coffee per day or 4 tea.

Reduce salt intake, which can raise blood pressure.


Wash your hands thoroughly before and after preparing food and after every meal.

Wash fruits and vegetables or any food from the garden.

Do not refreeze thawed food.

Never heat the same food twice.

Never consume food that the retention date has expired.