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Positions during pregnancy

Pregnancy can cause some problems during sex. The lovers must consider two factors: breast swelling, which may make them sensitive, even painful and round belly. Our advice to cuddle softly despite the curves.

The missionary position quickly becomes unpleasant, except as man can, bearing his weight on his forearms or his arms, not to press the breasts of women (sometimes, one must simply avoid even the touch ).
To avoid the risk of hurting, as many do not get over: the woman lies on her back legs folded; man (lying on its side perpendicular to the wife) slips her pelvis in order to place them for penetration. He bends his torso in order to approach and power stroke the body of his companion.

However, after a few months, some women can not remain lying on his back without being very embarrassed.

In the position angled above, pillows or cushions under the head and shoulders in long enough to eliminate discomfort. But if discomfort persists, it remains to be the woman to put on the side or on all fours.
On the side, the position is that of "spoons" where man is lying in the back of the woman, so that nestles against him. The uterus weighed down by the baby does not weigh on the stomach, man is free of her embrace, but, of course, the drawback of this position persists, and the woman can not itself, nor caress or hug her partner.

It is the same when she is on all fours. However, the absence of back pain and more favorable position of the vagina make this position very desirable.