When you were still talking about conceiving a child, your uterus was about the size of an orange. By the end of the 8th week, she already reaches the size of a grapefruit.
• The breasts are still sensitive, but now they may begin to swell and gradually increase in size.
• The volume of circulating blood increases by 40 - 50%.
• Already at the very beginning of the second month, there are more symptoms of pregnancy that you can notice. One of them is morning sickness. It usually starts in the 6th week, but can appear as early as a few days after conception.
• Symptoms of morning sickness, despite the name, are observed in the morning, afternoon, and even at night and can continue throughout the first months of pregnancy. In most cases, at the border of the first and second trimesters, they weaken, and by the middle of pregnancy, nausea disappears completely.
• While some expectant mothers may already gain a couple of pounds by the end of the second month, others lose them. Severe bouts of nausea and vomiting are to blame for this - this is how early toxicosis of pregnant women manifests itself.
Between half and two thirds of all pregnant women suffer from this condition. Its main culprit is the increased level of hormones (progesterone and estrogen). Therefore, early toxicosis of pregnant women is considered a “scheduled” physiological phenomenon, in contrast to late toxicosis (called “preeclampsia”), which occurs in the later stages and is not a normal course of pregnancy.
An unbalanced diet, an irrational diet, and lifestyle and work habits can aggravate the severity of symptoms of early toxicosis.
Now is the time to read and talk to experts about proper nutrition for pregnant women and start following their recommendations. Adhering to the principles of a healthy diet and daily routine, continuing to exercise, only less intensely if you did it before, or finding adequate physical activity for yourself (even if just exercises for pregnant women), if you led a sedentary lifestyle before pregnancy - this is the most the best care for yourself and the health of your unborn child.
When vomiting attacks become so intense that you are unable to hold down any food or liquid, you should definitely inform your doctor if you have already chosen one, or schedule a visit to the clinic if you have been postponing it for later. Such conditions require the close attention of a specialist.
If nausea is just a little clouding your mood, you can try to help yourself.