In order not to face such a problem as the appearance of a second dull strip on the test, girls are advised to follow the instructions for conducting the study. Firstly, testing must be carried out with the morning, the very first portion of urine, because it is in it that the maximum concentration of hCG is observed. Such a test will be the most informative and reliable. If there is a need to conduct a study at a different time of the day, then you should at least not drink a lot of liquid so as not to dilute the urine.
Use freshly collected urine for testing. It is impossible to freeze or simply cool urine before diagnosis. Dip the strip strictly to the level indicated on it, keep the test in the urine for no more than 20 seconds, and evaluate the results 5-10 minutes after the test. Sterile containers must be used to collect biomaterial. The test result should be considered positive only when two clear and bright stripes appear.
Many girls probably had a question whether it is possible to reuse a pregnancy test. Absolutely not. The indicator field of the tests used has already reacted with urine, so a second study will not cause any reaction. And if the tests used show the presence of pregnancy, then it is impossible to consider such results as reliable. It is better to use a new test.