The 13th week of pregnancy is very controversial: on the one hand, everything is getting better, but most often it is during this period that expectant mothers develop candidiasis (thrush). The cause of the development of the disease is candida fungi. They are in the body of every person and in a passive state do not cause any problems, but with stress and immunity failures, they begin to activate and displace the normal microflora.
Signs of thrush - a feeling of sharp itching in the genitals and curdled white discharge. Do not rush to self-medicate: washing and douching with antiseptics will bring only short-term relief. And the lack of qualified medical care at the 13th week of pregnancy is fraught with an increase in the tone of the uterus. In addition, a bacterial infection can join candidiasis, and in this case there will be a risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus. The consequences of such an infection can be the most unpleasant.