Main event: the beginning of the embryonic period.
The 5th week of pregnancy, or the 3rd after conception, is the beginning of the embryonic period of fetal development. This is the time when all the organs and systems of the body of the unborn child begin their formation.
• The cells of the embryo divide and begin to differ in their functions.
• At this stage, the embryo has three layers, the so-called germ layers, which will give rise to the tissues and organs of the unborn child.
• The top layer - ectoderm - will form skin tissues (epidermis), nails, hair, tooth enamel, central and peripheral nervous system, eye lens, inner ear.
• The heart of the embryo and the cardiovascular system are formed in the middle layer - the mesoderm. Also, this layer serves as the foundation for the construction of connective tissue, smooth muscles of all organs of the body, lymphatic, musculoskeletal, excretory and reproductive systems.
• The inner layer - the endoderm - will form the lungs, digestive tract, liver, pancreas and bladder of the embryo.
• The embryo changes its shape from flat to cylindrical and finally to C-shaped.
• The umbilical cord and major internal organs begin to develop, including the brain, spinal cord, heart, and neural tube that will become the central nervous system.
Embryo dimensions: barely reach the size of a feather tip.
This is the time when the embryo is most susceptible to external influences that can lead to developmental disorders. Such influences include: medication, the use of illegal substances and alcohol, infections and other factors. Take care of your baby's health!