Even if we leave aside questions about the ethics of abortion, the problem of the consequences of abortion and the harm caused to women's health during artificial termination of pregnancy is obvious and relevant.
Abortion is the most common cause of gynecological diseases. Complications occur in at least every fifth woman, almost half of chronic inflammatory processes of the genital area become aggravated. There is also a danger that abortions performed “on the day of treatment” do not involve any preparation - the examination is minimal, if any. At the same time, the very procedure of abortion by any of the listed methods contributes to the development of infectious and inflammatory complications. If antibiotics are prescribed during an instrumental abortion performed in a hospital, then with medical termination of pregnancy, the use of magnetic caps, antibiotic therapy is not always carried out. With the spread of infection, inflammation of the uterus and appendages, pelvic peritonitis, thrombophlebitis (inflammation) of the veins of the uterus, or general blood poisoning - sepsis can develop.
A distant consequence of inflammatory diseases transferred after an abortion can be the formation of adhesions, including intrauterine (synechia), obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which is one of the causes of infertility; chronic inflammatory processes that disrupt the normal functioning of the organs of the female genital area.
Traumatization of the cervix during abortion in the future may cause her inability to "keep" the pregnancy. Thus, miscarriage, miscarriage, or - due to cervical deformity - disruption of normal labor can develop.
One of the most common consequences of an abortion is a menstrual cycle disorder (it occurs in about 12% of women), the cycles become irregular, bleeding between periods is possible. The cause of these conditions are, as a rule, neuroendocrine disorders, amenorrhea develops, i.e. lack of menstruation, resulting from a violation of the regenerative ability of the endometrium - the inner lining of the uterus (when a pregnancy is terminated with curettage of the uterus, not only the removal of the fetal egg often occurs, but also the traumatization of the deep layers of the endometrium, as well as the muscle layer of the uterus) with subsequent inhibition of ovarian function, which leads to violation of the menstrual cycle, as well as the development of adhesions in the area of the internal pharynx of the cervical canal due to its traumatization.
In the case when an abortion was made by a woman giving birth, her cycle can be restored in 3-4 months; if the woman did not give birth before the operation, the restoration of all functions can be delayed up to six months or more.