There are times when a girl has already been delighted with two dashes on an express test, has begun to make grandiose plans for a baby, and then menstruation begins. Such clinical cases require mandatory medical participation. Most often, such a picture is observed with the rejection of the fetal egg, which had an anomaly or deformity of a genetic nature. Moreover, the girl herself may not be aware of such processes, thinking that just another menstruation has begun, especially if she is not obsessed with pregnancy and does not use express tests every cycle.
Although sometimes the appearance of a second cloudy strip signals the development of some kind of pathology or pregnancy complication. For example, this is likely with detachment of the fetal egg or the threat of interruption, ectopic conception, etc. All these pathological conditions are accompanied by a characteristic decrease in hCG, which is why the second line on the express test appears much weaker.
In addition, the cause of menstruation with a positive pregnancy test result may be hormonal disruptions, a one-time fertilization of two female germ cells, or a lack of progesterone hormone. Progesterone ensures the safety of the pregnant state, and if it is produced in insufficient quantities, spotting may occur. Especially often they occur on those days of the cycle, when the girl had to have her period before conception.