Delayed menstruation is not considered a reliable sign of pregnancy, especially in those women whose menstrual cycle was marked by irregularity. Before you run to the doctor with joy or in a panic, you should wait at least 5-7 days (counting from the first day of the expected and not occurring menstruation). Then take a pregnancy test, taking into account all the rules. If the result is negative, it is recommended to repeat the test after 3, at least 1 day.
In addition to a positive test, other signs of pregnancy are possible:
• early toxicosis became more pronounced or just appeared;
• soreness of the chest, its engorgement and swelling;
• protrusion of the venous pattern on the mammary glands;
• skin problems (the appearance of acne, even if it did not exist before);
• increased vaginal discharge, they have become creamy and milky in color;
• pandiculation in the lumbar region and / or lower abdomen;
• constipation followed by diarrhea (the action of progesterone);
• drowsiness during the day, insomnia at night;
• sudden mood swings;
• possible fainting (as a sign of arterial hypotension);
• increased appetite or its complete absence (in case of toxicosis);
• tendency to edema (swelling of the face after the legs, slight swelling of the arms and legs);
• darkening of the white line of the abdomen and areola;
• basal body temperature is steadily elevated (above 37);
• the appearance of headaches and migraines;
• change in libido (strengthening or weakening).
To finally dispel doubts, you should visit a doctor. During a gynecological examination (even in the early stages of pregnancy), the doctor reveals the following signs that indirectly confirm the "interesting situation":
• darkening of the skin, up to dark brown, of the external genitalia;
• softening of the neck, changing its color from pale pink to cyanotic (bluish);
• softening of the uterus, some of its increase in the early stages is possible, and later the enlarged uterus is well palpated according to the timing of the delay (8 weeks - a female fist, 10 weeks - a male fist, and so on).
To establish the final diagnosis, the gynecologist will prescribe an ultrasound scan (preferably with a transvaginal sensor), and in controversial cases, he will recommend donating blood for hCG.