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What are the main side effects of taking emergency contraception?

Taking any drug, and emergency contraception is no exception, can be accompanied by a variety of side effects. This means that before taking birth control pills, capsules and other dosage forms, it will be necessary to carefully study all the possible consequences of such activities.

Tolerability of any medical preparation, first of all, is determined by the individual characteristics of each person. The most common side effects of taking emergency contraceptives are:

1. dizziness;

2. nausea and vomiting;

3. headaches;

4. pain in the mammary glands;

5. uterine bleeding;

6. diarrhea;

7. occurrence of allergic reactions;

8. violation of the established menstrual cycle.

Particular attention should be paid to such consequences as nausea, vomiting, which can significantly reduce the reliability and effectiveness of the drug.

It is important to pay attention to one very important fact - women should know that estrogens, which are part of some drugs, can have a negative effect on the embryo if pregnancy does occur. In other cases, the use of emergency contraception is not considered a direct indication for abortion.

In addition, it must be recalled that anti-pregnancy pills are among the means that can be used in exceptional and very rare cases. During the year, this technique is allowed to be used no more than 3 times.