Today, a large number of women who are faced with the need to prevent the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy are interested in which drugs are best. It is impossible to answer this question with a 100% guarantee. The key rule is to apply this method of birth control in a timely manner.
Emergency contraception pills, capsules and other types of dosage forms provide the opportunity to achieve the following:
• disrupt the process of follicle maturation;
• suppress ovulation or delay this process;
• intervene and disrupt the process of egg fertilization;
• transport the fertilized egg to the uterus;
• disrupt blastocyst implantation.
Experts recommend taking pills within the first 3 days or installing an intrauterine device no later than five days. If a woman is obese, the effectiveness of these drugs may be less.
Let's take a closer look at the four basic varieties of birth control, which in our time demonstrate high efficiency.