Today, a large number of gynecologists resort to the so-called "Yuzpe method". The essence of this method of emergency protection against pregnancy is to take COC drugs in a sufficiently high dose. Reception of such combined estrogen-progestogen agents is carried out according to the scheme in two stages. Within 3 days after unprotected intimacy, the first dose of the drug is taken, 12 hours after that, the second dose is taken.
The action of COC tablets is based on the possibility of interrupting the reproductive cycle of women. Experts note that the effectiveness of this method is approximately 75%. It is important to understand that this indicator can be significantly lower if, for example, sexual intercourse occurred on the eve of ovulation.
The combined method of taking drugs that prevent the onset of unwanted pregnancy is resorted to only when it is impossible to use other options for emergency contraception. Nowadays, the Yuzpe method is less preferred, since in a fairly large number of cases, taking COC drugs is accompanied by a variety of side effects. Most often, a high dose of estrogen causes nausea, vomiting.