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Is there a pregnancy - how to understand?

When planning, it is important to eat right.

Usually, the first suspicions of conception occur in girls after a delay. And if the conception is not the first, then the patient may suspect the upcoming motherhood even earlier. To clarify the situation, home express systems are intended. Using such a pregnancy test usually does not cause any difficulties, because it is simple and understandable for any girl. But five minutes after the girl did the test, she will receive an accurate answer regarding her position. But if a pale line appears on a pregnancy test, then the girl faces difficulties in accurately assessing the result.

The results of the study are influenced by a lot of factors, so you need to try to exclude them in order to accurately understand whether there is a pregnancy or not. If the second strip is barely visible on the pregnancy test, then it cannot be considered a positive or negative result. The instructions clearly state that the line should be clear and contrasting. In other cases, the express test should be considered invalid and of poor quality, and the diagnosis itself should be considered unreliable. If a weak second strip appears during a pregnancy test, this may indicate a too low hCG content, a violation of the rules for conducting the study, etc.