In order for the test results to be as reliable as possible, you must read the instructions for using the test and strictly follow it.
Compliance with the simple rules of the procedure will help to avoid the appearance of a pale second line on the test and unambiguously interpret the result:
• It is best to carry out the testing procedure not earlier than the first day of missed menstruation. Some doctors even advise waiting at least 5-7 days from the expected date of the onset of menstruation. The earlier pregnancy is diagnosed, the less chance that the result will be 100% reliable.
• Only fresh urine should be taken to perform the study. It is good if it is possible to perform the procedure in the morning, immediately after waking up. It is at this time that the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine will be maximum.
• If the procedure is planned for the evening, then during the day you need to stop drinking too large volumes of liquid. Also, on the eve of the study, you should avoid taking diuretics and any other drugs that have a diuretic effect.
• The time of exposure of urine to the test should not be less than 5-15 seconds (according to the instructions for use).
• Before the procedure, you need to take care of the cleanliness of the container for collecting urine and external genitalia.
• Evaluate the result should not be earlier than 3-5 minutes. Until this time, the second strip (if it appears) may remain weak and dim.