Methods for terminating a pregnancy at a short time are safer in terms of the development of complications after them. In a antenatal clinic without hospitalization, vacuum aspiration can be performed. It is carried out for up to 5 weeks of gestation, which is determined by the date of the last menstruation and according to ultrasound data.
If we take the days of delay as a count, then you can perform a mini-abott up to 21 days with a regular cycle. The optimal period is 14 days. Before this time, the vacuum is not performed: the fetal egg is very small and may not fall into the catheter. If you delay the aspiration, then this threatens with complications.
Manipulation is carried out without anesthesia. On the gynecological chair, the vulva and the vestibule of the vagina are treated with an antiseptic, mirrors are inserted. The cervix is grasped with bullet forceps, the uterine cavity is probed with a metal probe. The cervical canal is not expanded, but a plastic catheter is immediately inserted - a tube connected to an aspirator. Within 3-5 minutes, the contents of the uterine cavity are aspirated. This is accompanied by unpleasant pulling pains in the lower abdomen.
After the manipulation, the patient is placed on the lower abdomen with a heating pad with ice, they are offered to lie down on the couch for an hour. After that she can go home.
At home, it is recommended to take antibiotics for 3-5 days, for example, Macropen, Doxycycline. This is especially true for women with a low degree of purity of the vagina. To restore hormonal levels the next day, you can start taking combined oral contraceptives. It is not advisable to install an intrauterine device immediately after an abortion: under the influence of uterine contraction, it may fall out.
During the month, observe sexual rest, visits to the bath, sauna, solarium, weight lifting are contraindicated. The menstrual cycle is restored within 3-4 months.
If, after vacuum aspiration, after a few days, the temperature rises, abdominal pain appears, and you are worried about increasing bloody discharge, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.
Complications can be:
• inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages;
• hematometer;
• placental polyp;
• unsuccessful abortion attempt;
• hormonal disorders.
For control in a few days, you need to perform an ultrasound of the pelvis. Compliance with the recommendations of the doctor increases the chances of a successful outcome.
This method is approved for use up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Previously, a woman is examined in a antenatal clinic, after which she is hospitalized in a hospital.
Abortion is the curettage of the uterine cavity with a curette and the removal of the endometrium along with the embryo. This manipulation is performed under anesthesia. Therefore, before the operation, the anesthesiologist talks with the patient in order to exclude contraindications for the administration of narcotic painkillers.
On the morning of the day, you can not eat. Before the operation, you need to empty the intestines and bladder, take a shower and shave off the hair in the perineum.
The woman lies down in the gynecological chair. After giving anesthesia, the doctor inserts mirrors into the vagina, captures the cervix and probes its cavity. With the help of Hegar dilators, the cervical canal is gradually dilated. Then start scraping. Curettes of various sizes are used, the endometrium is gradually exfoliated, which flows down the spoon of the lower mirror. Start with the walls of the uterus and end with the corners. Gradually, when scraping, a crunch appears, which indicates the complete separation of the ovum and membrane. Bleeding should decrease, the uterus should contract.
Blood loss during curettage is up to 150 ml. Some clinics perform manipulation under ultrasound control to avoid complications.
The patient is awakened from anesthesia and transported to the ward. Those with Rh-negative blood are immunized with anti-Rhesus D immunoglobulin in the postoperative period. This is necessary to avoid conflict between the blood systems of the mother and child in subsequent pregnancies.
An intravenous drip of Oxytocin is also prescribed to improve uterine contractions, antibiotics to prevent inflammatory processes. The length of stay in the hospital is individual and depends on the condition.
After surgical interruption, sexual rest, limitation of physical activity and overheating for a month are also necessary. From the next day, you can start taking hormonal contraceptives to help restore the menstrual cycle.
Bloody discharge lasts for several days, gradually brightens, becomes mucosaic. If red blood develops or appears, you should consult a doctor.