Folic acid is involved in many functions and processes of the human body. With her help:
• cell division occurs, as well as DNA and RNA synthesis;
• the functioning of the digestive system improves;
• a sufficient level of hemoglobin is maintained;
• blood vessels become more elastic;
• hormonal levels return to normal;
• the body's protective functions are enhanced;
• other nutrients and vitamins are properly absorbed;
• psycho-emotional state is normalized;
• reproductive function improves, which allows you to get pregnant faster.
It is better for both partners to take vitamin B9, because when, during conception, cells with male and female chromosomes merge, the embryo receives the basic foundation for its further development. Studies have proven that folic acid when planning pregnancy reduces the risk of:
• placental abruption;
• miscarriage;
• deviations in the formation of nerve cells;
• fading;
• oxygen starvation;
• other developmental anomalies.
In order for a woman to become pregnant without developing complications in the future, she needs to drink folic acid systematically. A sufficient level of folacin contributes to the normal development of the egg. The substance also helps increase the penetrating ability of sperm.
Indications for taking folic acid are:
• anemia;
• postoperative period;
• malnutrition;
• prevention of fetal developmental abnormalities.