There is no risk of overdose for pregnant women. Intoxication can be caused by daily intake of 25 tablets. Excesses are eliminated from the body through the excretory systems. However, large doses of vitamin B9 after 3 months of use may:
• increase the level of cyanocobalamin and provoke anemia;
• cause discomfort in the small intestine;
• load the kidneys;
• increase nervous excitability.
The maximum dose is prescribed by the doctor based on the results of the homocysteine test. With an increased amino acid content, this avoids damage to the walls of blood vessels and the formation of cholesterol plaques. The doctor adjusts the norm at his discretion:
• with severe toxicosis;
• genetic defects;
• chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
• diabetes mellitus.
Contraindications – individual intolerance.