During pregnancy, many hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. Most often, women are worried about a large amount of discharge; they worry whether this is normal and whether there is a threat to the baby’s life.
In fact, heavy discharge increases in almost all pregnant women. After all, during the period the walls of the uterus soften, the vaginal microflora changes, a large amount of lubricant is formed, which during childbirth helps the baby move through the birth canal.
The color and consistency of the discharge will tell you about the normal development of the fetus. If they are whitish, without an unpleasant odor and liquid, do not be upset: everything is fine.
If you still feel uneasy, contact your gynecologist and have a pap smear done. You should be alerted to a change in the color of the discharge, the appearance of itching, or a strong odor. This may indicate uterine pathology and genital tract infection.