There are many complexes containing “folk” in their composition. The B9 content in them varies: from a preventive dose to a therapeutic one.
The gynecologist will advise the patient on the right drug, since only the doctor will be able to calculate how much folic acid a woman needs.
• "Folic acid". This medicine contains 1 mg of vitamin B9.
• The drug “Folio” is very popular when planning pregnancy. Its popularity is due to the fact that it contains folacin and iodine. They are necessary for the proper development of the fetus and the well-being of the expectant mother. The dosage of these microelements is preventive, so most women successfully use it to replenish folic acid deficiency.
• “Folacin” and “Apo-folic” are preparations with folic acid. The vitamin content in them is increased. They are taken when a folacin deficiency is detected. That is, the dose contained in these drugs is therapeutic.
• All multivitamin complexes for pregnant women contain folic acid.